[fedora-virt] qemu-system-ppc with rhel-server-6.6-ppc64-dvd.iso
Gary Gatling
2015-04-30 18:32:24 UTC
Has anyone been able to emulate a PPC system to run RHEL 6 in qemu? I had a
build for epel 6 that was failing on ppc64. (It does work on epel 7 ppc

I was hoping to figure out what is wrong by taking a closer look via ppc
emulation and running rpmbuild within it.

But when I try to install it on a fedora 21 laptop I get

qemu-system-ppc -boot d -cdrom rhel-server-6.6-ppc64-dvd.iso -m 1024 -hda

Loading Image...

Maybe some other distro would work better for this then fedora 21? Or is
there something I have to type at openboot prompt to get the installer

I can run

qemu-system-ppc -boot d -cdrom rhel-server-6.6-ppc64-dvd.iso -m 1024 -hda
ppcdisk.img -prom-env 'auto-boot?=false'

and then I can do a "dir" on the dvd iso. I just can't seem to boot it.

I was able to boot a ubuntu ppc mini.iso. Just not RHEL 6 ppc iso.

Thanks for any ideas anyone has.
Gary Gatling
2015-04-30 19:40:13 UTC
Hmnn. Looks like I needed qemu-system-ppc64. Seems to be working with that
with RHEL 6 dvd. So nevermind. :) Sorry for the noise.
Post by Gary Gatling
Has anyone been able to emulate a PPC system to run RHEL 6 in qemu? I had
a build for epel 6 that was failing on ppc64. (It does work on epel 7 ppc
I was hoping to figure out what is wrong by taking a closer look via ppc
emulation and running rpmbuild within it.
But when I try to install it on a fedora 21 laptop I get
qemu-system-ppc -boot d -cdrom rhel-server-6.6-ppc64-dvd.iso -m 1024 -hda
Maybe some other distro would work better for this then fedora 21? Or is
there something I have to type at openboot prompt to get the installer
I can run
qemu-system-ppc -boot d -cdrom rhel-server-6.6-ppc64-dvd.iso -m 1024 -hda
ppcdisk.img -prom-env 'auto-boot?=false'
and then I can do a "dir" on the dvd iso. I just can't seem to boot it.
I was able to boot a ubuntu ppc mini.iso. Just not RHEL 6 ppc iso.
Thanks for any ideas anyone has.
Richard W.M. Jones
2015-09-06 12:21:24 UTC
Post by Gary Gatling
Hmnn. Looks like I needed qemu-system-ppc64. Seems to be working with that
with RHEL 6 dvd. So nevermind. :) Sorry for the noise.
Late reply, but here's how to get Fedora 21 working under libvirt:


Internally we have RHEL 7.1 ppc64 (BE and LE) images running the same
way, but I can't share those images.

Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
virt-top is 'top' for virtual machines. Tiny program with many
powerful monitoring features, net stats, disk stats, logging, etc.